
IT and Ethics

Thomas Hobbess's Social Contract Theory states that: "The society should strive to develop a set of rules that make sense to everyone (making people follow them voluntarily)." One example to this theory related to IT field is the location of menu buttons (minimize, maximize, close buttons) on the title bar. For Windows they are on the right side, for macOS they are on the left side, and for Linux, they can be on either side varying from distribution to distribution however, on Linux you can choose the location yourself unlike Windows and macOS. All software, even the ones with custom frames (the ones that don't use default status bar) follow the operating system's default, or most common placement. I don't know which location is the best for these buttons ergonomically and visually, but having them on the same location by default, and giving the users an option to change it on every operating system is the best approach to this kind of problem.

A Different Kind of IT

If you can control your fingers, you can type using a keyboard, and control a computer. If you can control your eyes, you can aim in a game using an eye-tracking device. If you have control over any function, it can also be used to control the computer. It is the same thing with brain-computer interface (BCI) devices. If you can control your thoughts, you can control a computer. These devices are especially useful if you have some kind of disability which affects your life, and how you control a computer. There are lots of applications for such a device but in this post, I will be talking about some medical and some everyday applications, as I have already written about them in my academic essay . Medical Applications There are millions of people who are paralysed, disabled because they have no control over a part of their bodies caused by a neural connection problem. By using BCI, these people can have control over computers, electro-mechanical prosthetic limbs, and much more

The Story of Linux

There are tons of Linux distributions out there, and more are definitely being developed right now. I'll be talking about two of most popular Linux distributions today: Kali Linux and Ubuntu. Ubuntu Ubuntu was developed by Canonical Ltd., and was first released back in 2004. It's main objective is to provide a user-friendly interface, it's for general use. It's easy to use and with better looks compared to other Linux distributions. It targets normal users who have just taken a step into the world of Linux. It's architecture is based on it's own unique Ubuntu architecture. Its environment is "Unity" by default, but as always, the user can install a selection of desktop environments. It's only downside is that it is slower than most Linux distributions. Kali Linux Kali Linux was developed by a team of developers, under no specific company name, and was first released in 2013. It's main objective is to provide a platform for penetr


I completely agree with both early, and modern hacker ethics. I believe that all software should be at least open-source, all information should be free, all personal data should be private, and all platforms, except some social media platforms, should be completely anonymous. Having an environment following these ethics would keep everyone's privacy secret, let anyone learn about anything for free, and would decrease cyber-crime. Think about it! It would create a system where everything is transparent just like dark-web. There would be less stalkers and hackers, as everyone who wishes would be anonymous. There would be less vulnerabilities, illegal private data exchange and bugs in software, as the whole developer community would help fix these problems in the software they are using. The requirement for degrees would be gone, as everyone would be able to learn anything they want for free, at home. It would create a new hiring system for employers, where they would measure

Censorship, Privacy and Internet

Some governments are censoring articles, books, movies, anything that makes them look bad. Some mobile and desktop applications are selling, sending, or analyzing your data without your consent. There are a lot of examples on these two subjects, but I will talk about only two examples in this blog post. Censorship In Turkey In my country Turkey, censorship is a big problem. A few years ago, when the current government took charge of the country, they censored Wikipedia, VPNs, books, articles, and all sexual stuff on the internet and TV. However, this did not stop people from accessing those websites, books, movies as there are always a couple of VPN providers that are not blocked. Zoom This happened very recently, just after a few weeks after COVID-19 quarantine. Everyone started using Zoom for online classes, meetings, work as it seemed like the best option out there, for both companies and users. After people started using it, it was found out that hackers could gain a


Everyday, the technology is developing, more companies are switching to the technological approach, and hiring more and more IT professionals. It is the responsibility of these professionals to manage all IT systems, computers, servers, apps, and so much more. But did it use to be like this back in 2000's? Are these responsibilities the same in every part of the world? In the case of my own country, Turkey, the responsibility, skills, education and the attitude towards IT professionals have changed drastically since the year 2000. Turkey follows technological advancements a few years behind more developed countries such as Estonia. That is why the aspects of IT professionals have changed a lot since 2000. 2000's: At first, companies in turkey switched to digital storage, and connected to the internet, and that meant buying a server, an internet connection from the ISP and computers for employees. An IT professional's skills, and education was focused on setting up

Academic Essay: The Ethics and The Developing Technology of Brain-Computer Interface

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